Knowledge about the Latino population
How do you rate your level of knowledge concerning Hispanic/Latino individuals? (Answer choices: 1 = no knowledge to 5 = extensive knowledge.)
How familiar are you with the following demographic characteristics of Hispanic/Latino individuals: health status? (Answer choices: 1 = not at all familiar to 5 = extremely familiar.)
How familiar are you with the following demographic characteristics of Hispanic/Latino individuals: birth and death rates? (Answer choices: 1 = not at all familiar to 5 = extremely familiar.)
Attitude toward and beliefs about the Latino populationa
To the best of your knowledge, in the United States what proportion of Hispanic/Latino population is uninsured?
To the best of your knowledge, in the United States what proportion of the Hispanic/Latino population is unemployed?
In your opinion, what proportion of undocumented immigrants should receive emergency medical care?
Cultural competence of the Latino population
I am prepared to consider a Hispanic/Latino patient’s culture when providing care. (Answer choices: 1 = almost never to 5 = almost always.)
How familiar are you with the values and belief systems for Hispanic/Latino patients related to health? (Answer choices: 1 = not at all familiar to 5 = extremely familiar.)
How familiar are you with common dietary choices and patterns of the Hispanic/Latino population? (Answer choices: 1 = not at all familiar to 5 = extremely familiar.)
Comfort with Latino patients
I am able to explain treatment options and clinical trials to Hispanic/Latino patients. (Answer choices: 1 = almost never to 5 = almost always.)
I find it difficult to care for Hispanic/Latino patients. (Answer choices: 1 = almost never to 5 = almost always.)
I feel adequately trained to manage the needs of Hispanic/Latino patients. (Answer choices: 1 = almost never to 5 = almost always.)
Previous experience with the Latino population
How much interaction do you have with Hispanic/Latino individuals? (Answer choices: 1 = none to 5 = extensive.)
How much clinical experience have you had with Hispanic/Latino patients? (Answer choices: 1 = none to 5 = extensive.)
During the past year, have you had the opportunity to interact with Hispanic/Latino individuals in a social setting? (Answer choices: 1 = yes 2 = no.)
Beliefs about Latino individuals with cancer
Major barriers within health care institutions prevent providers from providing appropriate cancer care to Hispanic/Latino patients. (Answer choices: 1 = almost never to 5 = almost always.)
Hispanic/Latino individuals’ attitudes toward end-of-life issues related to cancer are influenced by culture. (Answer choices: 1 = almost never to 5 = almost always.)
Hispanic/Latino patients are compliant with cancer screening recommendations, compared with other radical and ethnic groups. (Answer choices: 1 = Hispanics much more to 5 = Hispanics much less.)
Cancer skills with Latino patients
In thinking about Hispanic/Latino patients, please rate your ability to perform the following responsibility: explain the importance of screening for early detection of cancer. (Answer choices: 1 = not at all able to 5 = completely able.)
In thinking about Hispanic/Latino patients, please rate your ability to perform the following responsibility: advise men and women regarding age-specific guidelines for cancer screening. (Answer choices: 1 = not at all able to 5 = completely able.)
In thinking about Hispanic/Latino patients, please rate your ability to perform the following responsibility: perform an individualized cancer risk assessment. (Answer choices: 1 = not at all skillful to 5 = extremely skillful.)