a Principle of nanofluidic immunoassay. The surfaces of the biosensor are chemically prepared and contain specific immobilized allergens. Within the biosensor, the IgE antibodies from the patient’s serum diffuse and interact with the allergens, forming fluorescent molecular complexes which are then measured optically. Due to the nanofluidic configuration, the biomolecular interaction is highly accelerated and reduces assay times to a few minutes. Copyright Abionic SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, reproduced with permission. b Operating the abioSCOPE. The patient’s blood sample is mixed with a proprietary reagent and placed into a test capsule that contains multiple biosensors capable of detecting allergen-specific IgE. The capsule is placed into a disc mounting plate that is then inserted into the abioSCOPE, as a DVD is inserted into a DVD player. The results are presented on a wireless touch screen device (e.g., iPAD) and saved onto a standard SD card. The abioSCOPE conforms to ISO 13485 and provides an intuitive and easy-handling diagnostic system for allergists. Copyright Abionic SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, reproduced with permission