Space Group | P43212 |
Unit cell (Å) | a = b = 70.2, c = 134.5 |
No. per a.u.a | 1 |
Crystal mosaicity (degrees) | 0.78–0.87 |
Resolution (Å) | 30–2.5 |
Total observations | 62,324 |
Unique observations | 12,222 |
I/σ(I)b | 13.4 (2.8) |
Completeness (%)b | 99.6 (100) |
Rmerge (%)b,c | 7.2 (51.9) |
Rwork (%)d | 19.2 |
Rfree (%)e | 23.9 |
No. of GluD2 residues/7-CKA/chloride/glycerol/water | 258/3/1/1/24 |
Average B-values protein/7-CKA/chloride/glycerol/water (Å2) | 53/40/71/57/44 |
Root mean square (rms) bond lengths/angles (Å/degree) | 0.003/0.7 |
Ramachandran favored/outliers (%)f | 98.0/0.4(Asp504) |
Number of protein molecules per asymmetric unit (a.u).
Values in parentheses are statistics for the highest resolution bin (2.66–2.50 Å).
Rmerge (I) = ∑hkl |Ihkl-<Ihkl>| / ∑hklIhkl,, where Ihkl is the measured intensity of the reflections with indices hkl.
Rwork = Σhkl(||Fo,hkl| − |Fc,hkl||)/|Fo,hkl|, where |Fo,hkl| and |Fc,hkl| are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes.
Five percent of the reflections in the data set were set aside for calculation of the Rfree value.
The Ramachandran plot was calculated according to MolProbity (Davis et al., 2007) implemented in Phenix.