Figure 2. Resistance phenotypes of independent homozygous transgenic cotton lines.
(a) Resistance phenotypes of independent transgenic cotton line H213 in F. oxysporum-inoculated field in Henan province, China in 2014. (b) The DIs of the transgenic and parent W0 plants induced by F. oxysporum isolate Fnj1 in greenhouse conditions. At least 30 plants were used for each experiment. (c) Severity of Fusarium wilt in Hcm1-transformed and parent W0 plants in the nursery. H159, H177, and H213 were the transgenic lines. Junmian 1 and Hai7124 were used as the susceptible and resistant controls. At least 15 plants were used for each experiment. Average values and standard errors were calculated from four independent experiments. The letters in (a,c) indicate significant differences at P ≤ 0.01 according to a randomization one-way ANOVA test.