Fig. 1.
Reconstruction of the L. major genomic region containing the locus LmjF.15.1480. a Schematic representation of the sequence identity (orange shadow) existing between the de novo assembled contigs Cg12136 and Cg12150 and the database entries LmjF.15.1480 (TriTrypDB) and gene AY462263 (GenBank). b Distribution of RNA-Seq coverage reads and transcript definition (LmjF.15.T1480) on the current annotated genomic region containing the gene LmjF.15.1480. c Distribution of RNA-Seq coverage reads and transcript mapping on the corrected genomic region. At the left of panel C is indicated: location of the de novo assembled contigs (Contig detected), PCR amplified genomic regions (Cloning strategy), position of the primers used for sequencing purposes (Sequencing primers) of the fragments and the corresponding determined sequences (Sequencing reads), and location of unassigned contigs and unassembled reads obtained in the Sanger L. major Genome project (Shotgun reads)