Figure 2.
In vivo high-resolution late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) magnetic resonance imaging performed 6 weeks after myocardial infarction. LGE images were acquired in the axial view with isotropic spatial resolution of 1 mm3. A and B: Reformatted short-axis views extending from the apex (panel A) to the base (panel B) are shown with anterior-septal LGE (yellow arrows). Variable LGE signal intensities were observed within the scar area including regions of dark signal representative of survived myocardial tissue (red arrow). These regions of viable tissue were predominantly preserved to the subendocardial rather than subepicardial tissue. Regions of confluent LGE signal intensity indicative of transmural scar were also observed (black arrow). C: Short-axis view further toward the base without evidence of LGE. D: Reformatted 4-chamber view with anterior, septal, and lateral scar with variable LGE intensities (yellow arrows). Viable septal and lateral subendocardial tissue is present (red arrow) and surrounds a segment of transmural anterior scar (black arrow). LV = left ventricle; RV = right ventricle.