Figure 4. miR-130a targets Pdgfra in vivo and promotes lateral plate mesodermal lineage.
(A–C) FACS profile (A) and quantification (B, C) of mesodermal populations in miR-130a iES/EB differentiation in −Dox and +Dox conditions. (D) qPCR analysis of Pdgfra in −Dox and +Dox conditions using d4 EBs. (E, F) FACS profile and quantification (F) of endothelial (Flk1 and CD31) markers during miR-130a iES/EB differentiation in −Dox and +Dox conditions. (G) Schematic of the experiment to determine the ability of miR-130a to re-specify mesoderm. (H, I) FACS profiles (H) and quantification (I) of endothelial markers at d6. (J, K) Hematopoietic colony forming assay from Flk1+/Pdgfra− (J) and Flk+/Pdgfra+ (K) sorted cells using d3.5 miR-130a iES/EB system. Error bars indicate SEM (n = 3; *p < 0.05).