The size of the circles represents the relative difference in population attributable risk percent (PAR%) for each exposure examined. (Comorbidities (blue bubbles): ANY COMORB = any comorbiditiy, ARTH = arthritis, BL ANEM = blood loss anemia, CA = solid tumor, CHF = congestive heart failure, COAG = coagulopathy, COPD = chronic lung disease, DEF ANEM = deficiency anemia, DEP = depression, DIAB = diabetes mellitus, FED = fluid and electrolyte disorder, HTN = hypertension, HYPOT4 = hypothyroid, LYMPH = lymphoma, MTCA = metastatic cancer, NEUR = other neurological disorder, OBES = obesity, PARAL = paralysis, PSY = psychoses, PULM CD = pulmonary circulatory disorder, PVD = peripheral vascular disease, RF = renal failure, VALVE = valvular disease, WT LOSS = weight loss; Infections (red bubbles): ABSC = abscess in organ/meningitis; ANY INF = any infection, B&J = bone/joint infection, GASTRO = gastroenteritis, GYN = female pelvic infection, INTRA ABD = intra-abdomional abscess/peritonitis, OM = otitis media, ORAL ABSC = oral abscess, PNA = pneumonia, SEPSIS = clinical sepsis, SEPT = septicemia/endovascular infection, SSI = surgical site infection, SSTI = skin/soft tissue infection, TONSIL = tonsillitis, URTI = upper respiratory tract infection, UTI = urinary tract infection, VIRAL = viral infection; Healthcare exposures (green bubbles): DIAL = outpatient dialysis, ED visit = emergency department visit without hospitalization, ELECT HOSP = non-emergent hospitalization, EMERG HOSP = emergent hospitalization, 2+ HOSP YEAR = at least two hospitalizations in the last year; INV = any invasive procedure, OUTPT INV, outpatient invasive procedure, SURG = surgery; Yes NH / No SNF = nursing home residents without a skilled nursing facility exposure within 3 months of CDI; No NH / Yes SNF = people without a nursing home exposure but with a skilled nursing facility exposure within 3 months of CDI Age (clear bubbles): 66–70 = 66 to 70 years old, 71–75 = 71 to 75 years old, 76–80 = 76 to 80 years old, 81–85 = 81 to 85 years old, 85+ = >85 years old)