Depth-dependent material properties of human patellar and distal femoral articular cartilage. Properties ξ (fiber modulus), E (ground matrix modulus) and k (hydraulic permeability) were obtained by refitting experimental data from unconfined compression stress-relaxation tests reported previously 30 and averaged over six specimens; the power-law exponent for the fiber response was set to β=2.15 and Poisson’s ratio for the ground matrix was set to ν=0. Mean and standard deviations are reported at normalized depths z/h through the articular layer of the patella and distal femur (z/h=0 at subchondral bone and 1 at articular surface). The full thickness of the articular layers at the test sites was h=2.55±0.39 mm for the patella and h=2.41±0.22 mm for the femur.