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. 2016 Jan 19;113(5):1232–1237. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1518827113

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Detailed analysis of individual domain constructs. (AC) Force-extension traces of individual domain constructs (Insets from PDB 2cg9) at a slow pulling speed of 10 nm/s. Unfolding traces (gray) are fitted with WLCs (black dashed). Refolding traces of the N (A, blue) and the M (B, orange) domains populate transient intermediate states (A and B, red arrows). The M domain (B) populates an on-pathway intermediate (black arrow) that corresponds to region II. The C domain (C) shows equilibrium two-state behavior; region I accounts for unstructured regions. More traces are shown in Fig. S2 A, C, and E. (DF) Scatter plots display unfolding events (unfolding force vs. contour length gain) for the N (D), the M (E), and the C (F) domains. Each scatter plot is derived from 35 to 75 consecutive traces of one molecule. The native structured M domain can appear as a single event (orange, longest length gain) or as a double event (orange, shortest plus medium length gain) depending on the classification algorithm (see SI Methods). If only the on-pathway intermediate is observed (B, region II), it is colored in yellow. (GI) Averaged refolding probabilities derived from double jump experiments (see Fig. S6 for nonaveraged data) depending on time (y axis) and force (color-coded) for the N (G), the M (H), and the C (I) domains. Probabilities are determined from 11,570 traces (45 molecules), 7,927 traces (14 molecules), and 6,157 traces (9 molecules) for the N, M, and C domains, respectively. The N and M domains show increasing refolding probability with increasing force (G and H, orange to purple markers). Fits are described in JL. For uncertainties, see SI Methods. (JL) The atypical refolding behavior of the N and M domains is fully described by a model (J and K) assuming an unfolded state ensemble U that is in equilibrium with fast-forming off-pathway intermediates M, that prevent folding to the native state F. Fitting this model to the nonaveraged data (Fig. S6 A and B) yields fits shown in G and H as continuous lines. Assuming identical folding parameters and neglecting misfolding yields the refolding probabilities shown in G and H as dashed lines. The C domain is fitted with a two-state model assuming an unfolded U and a folded state F in equilibrium (L, continuous lines in I and Fig. S6C). The folding rates at zero force, the equilibrium energy between U and M, and lower estimates for the rates from and to the misfolded states (see Estimate 3) are displayed.