Deficit in thalamic sensitivity to brief gaps in noise in ectopic mice reflects loss of exceptional gap-in-noise sensitivity of offset-responsive cells. a, Examples of neural gap-detection threshold determination for two “off” cells: a rare offset-responsive cell with no onset response (left) and the more common occurrence of an offset-responsive cell, which also had an onset response (right). Conventions as in Figure 1b. b, Cumulative distributions of neural gap-detection thresholds for offset-responsive cells in nonectopic mice (cyan), onset-but-not-offset-responsive cells in nonectopic mice (dark blue), offset-responsive cells in ectopic mice (magenta), and onset-but-not-offset-responsive cells in ectopic mice (dark red). Solid lines with error bars indicate mean ± SE across animals. Dotted gray lines indicate median values. n, total number of neural recordings across animals. c–e, Same analysis for neurons recorded in ventral MGB (c), dorsal MGB (d), and medial MGB (e). For statistical results of subgroup comparisons, see text.