Focal knockdown of the adenosine A2A receptors (A2ARs) in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) exerts relatively limited effects on habitual behaviors. (a) Representative image shows that A2ARs were knocked down selectively in the area with the AAV-Cre-zsGreen expression in the DLS of A2AR(flox/flox) mice but not in A2AR(+/+) mice. The yellow circle depicted the boundary of the AAV-Cre-zsGreen expression and A2AR knockdown area. (b) Quantitative analysis shows that A2AR expression was markedly reduced in the AAV-Cre-zsGreen transfected regions of A2AR(flox/flox) mice compared with A2AR(+/+) mice. (c) Focal A2AR knockdown in the DLS (n=7) did not affect lever pressing during the acquisition phase compared with their A2AR(+/+) controls (n=6) (repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed no random interval (RI) period × genotype interaction effect: F5,55=1.234, p>0.05; and no genotype main effect: F1,11=0.534, p>0.05). (d) There was no genotype × devaluation interaction effect (F1,11=1.993, p=0.186, repeated-measures ANOVA) for the normalized devaluation test. Both groups similarly showed insensitivity to outcome devaluation (DLS A2AR knockdown mice: normalized devaluation; t1,6=0.646, p>0.05; wild-type (WT) mice: normalized devaluation; t1,5=2.017, p>0.05). Data are presented as the mean±SEM. CRF, continuous reinforcement.