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. 2016 Feb 10;16:30. doi: 10.1186/s12888-016-0727-7

Table 2.

Second phase outcomes: validation of CRPT (n = 158)

Second phase outcomes concurrent validitya CRPT1 color/risk CRPT1 score CRPT2 color/risk CRPT2 score CTRS dangerousnessb CTRS support CTRS cooperativeness Total CTRS Discharge Suicide risk
CRPT1 color/risk .835 .525 .832 .635 .476 .499 .646 .499 -.353
CRPT1 score .835 .575 .982 .683 .542 .533 .704 .437 -.371
CRPT2 color/risk .525 .575 .556 .402 .367 .375 .462 .248 -1.60
CRPT2 score .832 .982 .556 .703 .561 .544 .732 .445 -.368
CTRS dangerousness .635 .683 .402 .703 .636 .455 .834 .393 -.528
CTRS support .476 .542 .367 .561 .636 .533 .845 .311 -.420
CTRS cooperativeness .499 .533 .375 .544 .455 .533 .814 .446 -.394
Total CTRS .646 .704 .462 .732 .834 .845 .814 .470 -.528
 Predictive validity
Discharge .449 .437 .248 .445 .393 .311 .446 .470 -.494
Suicide risk -.353 -.371 -.160 -.368 -.528 -.420 -,394 -.528 -.494

It’s shown each Spearman’s rho coefficient of standardized CRPT assessment (CRPT1) with a simultaneous Color-Risk Psyhciatric Triage (CRPT2) and a Crisis Triage Rating Scale (CTRS) assessment, which were assessed by a researcher. CRTS scores was broken down by CTRS domains (Dangerousness, Support and Cooperativeness), and Overall CTRS score (3-15). In order to test predictive validity, discharge and suicidal risk were correlated with each CRPT and CRTS level/risk. CRPT: Color-Risk Psychiatric Triage. CTRS: Crisis and Triage Rating Scale (Bengersdolf et al, 1984)

aAll correlations had <0.0001 of statistical significance

bDue to its risk inherent evaluation, Dangerousness was considered the most significative subdomain of CTRS for the measurement of concurrent validity of CRPT