Figure 3.
Phylogenetic tree to compare harbor porpoise herpesviruses from this study with other marine mammal herpesviruses and other representative herpesviruses. Maximum likelihood phylogram, based on the Kimura 2-parameter model, of DNA polymerase gene fragments for comparison of several porpoise herpesviruses with marine mammal herpesviruses and selected other herpesviruses. Bootstrapping was performed with 500 replicates using MEGA6 [21] GenBank accession numbers are given in parentheses: HHV03 Varicella: Human Herpesvirus—3 (X04370); SC Spain 2007: Striped dolphin Spain, 319Li_Sc, 2007 (GQ888673); TT Germany 2005: Bottlenose dolphin Germany, 2005 (DQ295064); TT USA 2006: Bottlenose dolphin USA, strain SPL1, 2006 (GQ429149); TT USA: Bottlenose dolphin USA (AF245443); CC UK: Cervid Herpesvirus, Banffshire 82, North American Elk (Cervus canadensis) (DQ328329); BHV-5: Bovine herpes virus—5 (AY261359); DL Canada 2010: Beluga Whale herpesvirus (Delphinapterus leucas), Canada 2010 (KJ789857); TT Germany: Bottlenose dolphin Germany (AY608707); SC Spain 2011: Striped dolphin Spain 2011 (KJ156331); TT USA 2005: Bottlenose dolphin USA 2005 (AY952779); TTHV/NL/08-01: Bottlenose dolphin Netherlands 2008 (GQ258353); GG USA 2005: Risso’s dolphin herpesvius, strain MML0514-V2172 (KJ406184); MD USA 2005: Blainville’s beaked whale K285, 2005 (AY949828); KS USA: dwarf sperm whale (Kogia simus), K265 (AY949830); PhoHV1: Phocoenid herpesvirus 1, UT775, 2012 (KT591613); PP NL 05-01: Porpoise #6, Netherlands, PP050502 (KT991635, this study); PP NL 05-02: Porpoise #2, Netherlands, PP050825.2 (KT991634, this study); PP NL 14-01: Porpoise #7, Netherlands PP140627 (PPSH198) (KT991633, this study).