Fig. 1.
b LowMACA results based on the alignment of the Ras superfamily (PF00071). The first barplot reports the most mutated proteins under significant hotspots in their original position. These hotspots are also highlighted in the second barplot with colored symbols. Labels in the second barplot report the position of the consensus, the FDR corrected p-value and the trident score of conservation (TS). The TS is reported only for hotspots identified in the alignment of all the 133 family members. Both barplots are truncated on non-informative positions. a The panel shows a plot representing the mutual exclusivity between mutations that fall in the same position of the global consensus alignment. Significant patterns are highlighted with the color corresponding to the tumor type where the mutual exclusivity was found. We consider mutually exclusive the pairs with a corrected p-value below 0.05 using the R package cooccur. c The dendrogram is built on hamming distances between all human sequences of the Ras superfamily aligned via clustal omega. Genes that belong to the same subfamily, as described in [Hall, 1998], are represented with the same color. Significant hotspots (under gene names) are represented with the symbols used in b