Figure 2.
Phylogenetic tree of the radiating Diospyros species on New Caledonia derived from Bayesian inference. For simplicity, individuals are collapsed to species or population level wherever possible. Node bars indicate the 95% confidence interval for the age of the corresponding node. A time scale is given at the bottom of the figure. Numbers at nodes detail BI posterior probabilities greater than 0.95/ML confidence over 50%/bootstrap support values over 50%. The vertical bars indicate: a) Structure results for all individuals for ; b) Structure results for the subset of individuals from group RR, for ; c) the preference for climate type, generally following a E–W separation—light gray for humid, dark gray for dry; d) the geography, generally following a N–S separation—black for north, hashed area for center, and white bars for south; and e) for substrate-type preference—lemon green for volcanic rock, dark purple for ultramafic rock, orange for schist, pink for limestone, and yellow for serpentine. L. refers to sampling location given in Fig. 1 and Table 1 .