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. 2016 Jan 29;7(4):467–476. doi: 10.7150/jca.13625

Table 2.

Correlations between SPOCK1 Expression and other important clinicopathological parameters in urothelial carcinomas.

Parameter Category Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Urinary Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma
Case No. SPOCK1 Expression P value Case No. SPOCK1 Expression P value
Low High Low High
Gender& Male 158 82 76 0.514 216 105 111 0.489
Female 182 88 94 79 42 37
Age (years)# 340 65.16±10.91 66.00±8.76 0.961 295 65.27±13.02 66.81±11.35 0.543
Tumor location& Renal pelvis 141 66 75 0.194 - - - -
Ureter 150 83 67 - - - -
Renal pelvis & ureter 49 21 28 - - - -
Multifocality& Single 278 143 135 0.261 - - - -
Multifocal 62 27 35 - - - -
Primary tumor (T) & Ta 89 61 28 <0.001* 84 70 14 <0.001*
T1 92 57 35 88 42 46
T2-T4 159 52 107 123 35 88
Nodal metastasis& Negative (N0) 312 163 149 0.006* 266 138 128 0.033*
Positive (N1-N2) 28 7 21 29 9 20
Histological grade & Low grade 56 41 15 <0.001* 56 46 10 <0.001*
High grade 284 129 155 239 101 138
Vascular invasion& Absent 234 148 86 <0.001* 246 140 106 <0.001*
Present 106 22 84 49 7 42
Perineural invasion& Absent 321 169 152 <0.001* 275 144 131 0.001*
Present 19 1 18 20 3 17
Mitotic rate (per 10 high power fields)# 340 10.63±12.07 13.99±12.30 <0.001* 295 12.41±13.89 16.39±13.95 0.001*

&, Chi-Square test; #, Mann-Whitney U test; * Statistically significant.