Figure 2.
Generic ML-SEM genetic simplex model. Biometric components of Pit, phenotypic CES-D scores for twin i at time t, are estimated between- and within-families; = between-family genetic effect at time t; = between-family (common) environmental effect at time t; = within-family genetic effect at time t; = within-family (nonshared) environmental effect at time t; = unique between-family genetic effect at time t; = unique between-family environmental effect at time t; = unique within-family genetic effect at time t; = unique within-family environmental effect at time t; aar, car, and ear = auto-regression coefficient between adjacent components; the between-family and within-family genetic loadings for the MZ twins are 1 and 0, respectively, to meet the assumption that MZ twins share 100% of their genes; the between-family and within-family genetic loadings for the DZ twins are both √5 to meet the assumption that DZ twins share 50%, on average, of their segregating genes.