A Z-stack movie of M6-gapGFP embryos stained for muscles (β3-tubulin - magenta) and AMPs (GFP - green). The ventral, lateral, dorso-lateral and dorsal AMPs have distinct internal/external locations. The lateral AMPs (lAMPs) extend from the external to internal layer. The posterior lAMP (arrowhead) lies the most externally and is seen at the same optical level that the external lateral muscles (ExtLM: LT muscles). The anterior lAMP (arrow) lies more internally, mainly at the level of internal lateral muscles (IntLM: LO1 and SBM). The ventral AMPs (vAMPs) are located in between external ventral muscles (ExtVM: VA1 and VA2) and intermediary ventral muscles (ImVM: VO3-VO6) but they send cellular extensions externally and are seen at the level of VA1 and VA2. The dorso-lateral AMPs (dlAMPs) are clearly located under the external DT1 and lie mainly in between the intermediary dorsal muscles (InDM: DO3 and DO4) and internal dorsal muscles (IntDM: DA3). Finally, the dorsal AMPs (dAMPs) are located in between the external (ExtDM: DO1 and DO2) and internal dorsal muscles (IntDM: DA1, DA2). Note: view movie frame by frame to appreciate AMPs positioning and to see corresponding annotations.