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. 2015 Nov 19;34:14–30. doi: 10.1007/s10942-015-0227-6

Table 3.

Correlations between self-report measures of depression, rumination, and social problem solving for the total sample (N = 223)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. Brooding .49***
3. Reflection .12 .36***
4. RRS total .56*** .85*** .60***
5. PPO −.31*** −.11 .32*** −.03
6. NPO .52*** .57*** .12 .56*** −.35***
7. RPS .05 .20** .43*** .34*** .39*** .18**
8. ICS .12 .11 .05 .10 .12 .00 −.20**
9. AS .32*** .28*** .09 .33*** −.30*** .51*** .12 .26***

BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition, RRS Ruminative Responses Scale, PPO Positive Problem Orientation, NPO Negative Problem Orientation, RPS Rational Problem Solving, ICS Impulsivity/Carelessness Style, AS Avoidance Style, MEPS Means-Ends Problem-Solving Test

** p < .01; *** p < .001