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. 2016 Jan 27;4(1):e7. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4225

Table 2.

Participant characteristicsa (N=32).

Number (% or range)
64 (52-84)

Male 9 (28)

Female 23 (72)
Medical condition(s)

High cholesterol 10 (31)

High blood pressure 17 (53)

Stroke 1 (3)

Prediabetes 4 (13)

Type 2 diabetes 3 (9)

Osteoarthritis 15 (47)

Rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis 3 (9)

Chronic low back pain 1 (3)
Body mass index (kg/m2, mean)
31 (21-51)
Blood pressure (mean)

Systolic 129 (93-182)

Diastolic 79 (67-95)
Heart rate (mean)
70 (50-98)
Physical activity (mean)

Low 2 (6)

Moderate 21 (66)

High 8 (25)
Family history

Diabetes before the age of 55 5 (16)

Heart attack before the age of 55 6 (19)

Maternal history of hip fracture 2 (6)
Highest level of education

High school 6 (19)

Trade school 2 (6)

College 7 (22)

University 7(22)

Graduate school (MSc, PhD) 7 (22)

Professional degree (MD, MBA) 1 (3)
Annual household income

<CAD $20,000 2 (6)

CAD $20,000-CAD$49,999 6 (19)

CAD $50,000-CAD $79,999 12 (38)

>CAD $80,000 10 (31)

Prefer not to say 2 (6)
Skill with computers

Nonuser 1 (3)

Novice 6 (19)

Intermediate 19 (59)

Expert 5 (16)
Use of a computer

Daily 28 (88)

Weekly 2 (6)

Monthly 0 (0)

Rarely 0 (0)

Never 1 (3)
Use a mobile phone or tablet

Daily 22 (69)

Weekly 0 (0)

Monthly 0 (0)

Rarely 0 (0)

Never 12 (31)

aPercentages may not add up to 100% due to incomplete surveys or multiple answers.