Figure 2. Assays of W-boxes and G-box specific activity in rice leaf senescence.
(A) Gel retardation assay of W-box and G-box binding activity in rice nuclear protein extracts. P, free probe; G, free probe plus nuclear protein extracts from green mature leaves (3.75 mg); S, free probe plus nuclear protein extracts from senescent leaves (3.75 mg). (B) GUS-activity assay of W-box and G-box binding activity. Four copies of the W-box or G-box were fused to the CaMV35S minimal promoter and transformed into rice. Reporter activity was highly induced by leaf senescence. Y, young leaf; G, fully expanded green leaf; S1, senescing leaf with 80%–90% chlorophyll; S2, senescing leaf with 60%–80% chlorophyll; S3, senescing leaf with 40%–60% chlorophyll. Error bars refer to ±SE of four replicates. Asterisks indicate significant differences of indicated leaf stages to G (t-test; P < 0.05).