Differentially Methylated CpGs in Pairwise Comparisons
DNA methylation profiles (generated on Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChips 27K or 450K) were stratified by cell type (MSCs versus fibroblasts), tissue source (here particularly MSCs from bone marrow versus adipose tissue), passage (<P5 or >P5), age (<40 or >40 years), and serum supplements in culture media (human platelet lysate [hPL] versus fetal calf/bovine serum [FBS]). The number of DNAm profiles per group is indicated (n) as well as the number of significant CpGs (adjusted limma t test: p < 0.05 and >10% difference in mean DNAm). Overlapping CpGs in the 27K and 450K datasets are indicated by black bars.