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. 2016 Jan 29;60(2):1058–1066. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02287-15


Data collection and refinement statistics

Parametera Value(s) for T. cruzi CYP51–VT-1161b
Data collection statistics
    Wavelength (Å) 0.9786
    Unit cell dimensions
        a, b, c (Å) 63.06, 63.06, 221.75
        α, β, γ (°) 90.00, 90.00, 120.00
    No. of molecules per asymmetric unit 1
    Solvent content (%) 47.8
    Resolution (outer shell) (Å) 54.6–2.75 (2.82–2.75)c
    No. of reflections (outer shell) 14,063 (1,526)c
    Rmerge (outer shell) 0.065 (0.695)c
    I/σ (outer shell) 23.1 (2.7)c
    Completeness (outer shell) (%) 99.8 (100)c
    Redundancy (outer shell) 8.0 (4.6)c
Refinement statistics
    Rwork 0.259
    Rfree 0.270
    RMSD from ideal geometry
        Bond length (Å) 0.002
        Bond angle (°) 0.89
    Ramachandran plot (%)
        Residues in favorable/allowed regions 96.4/99.8
        Outliers 0.2
    No. of atoms (mean B factor) (Å) 3,672 (118.5)d
    No. of residues
        Protein (mean B factor, Å) 450 (120.7)d
        Heme (mean B factor, Å) 1 (76.4)d
        Ligand (mean B factor, Å) VT1 1 (99.6)d
PDB accession no. 5AJR

I, intensity of a reflection; RMSD, root mean square deviation.


The PDB code for the VT-1161 compound is VT1.


Values in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell.


Values in parentheses are the mean B factor (in angstroms).