Table 1.
Physical Characteristics, Flow Parameters and Experimental Results of the Impaction Stagea
Physical Characteristics | |
W (cm) | 0.053 |
L (cm) | 0.135 |
S/W | 1.9 |
Flow Parameters
| |
Re | 2212 |
V (cm/sec) | 6295 |
Experimental Results
| |
d50 (μm) | 0.295 |
√Stk50 | 0.47 |
σ | 1.53 |
ΔP (kPa) | 2.49 |
Note: W, nozzle width; L, nozzle lengths; S, impaction plate-to-nozzle distance; Re, Reynolds number; V, nozzle air velocity; d50, 50% cutpoint; √Stk50, square root of Stokes number at 50% collection efficiency; σ, collection efficiency curve sharpness; ΔP, pressure drop; Stokes number at the 50% cut-off diameter is calculated as Stk50 = (4ρpQdp2Cc)/(9πnμW3), where dp is the mobility equivalent particle diameter, and Cc is Cunningham slip correction factor.