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. 2016 Feb 12;6:21649. doi: 10.1038/srep21649

Table 2. Sensitivity and specificity of drops of sitting BP in the diagnosis of OH and sOH.

  Patients with MSA Patients with PD
prediction of sitting SBP for OH
prediction of sitting DBP for OH
prediction of sitting SBP for sOH
prediction of sitting DBP for sOH
prediction of sitting SBP for OH
prediction of sitting DBP for OH
Cutoffs (mmHg) Sn. % Sp. % Sn. % Sp. % Sn. % Sp. % Sn. % Sp. % Sn. % Sp. % Sn. % Sp. %
0 100 13.56 97.01 17.19 100 8.51 97.3 12.77 100 16.92 100 18.64
2 97.22 23.73 83.58 46.88 100 17.02 94.59 41.49 100 60.2 64.52 76.27
4 97.22 27.12 80.6 68.75 100 19.15 91.89 57.45 100 61.69 61.29 82.49
6 97.22 37.29 77.61 84.38 100 25.53 91.89 70.21 100 67.16 61.29 84.75
8 94.44 44.07 70.15 90.63 100 31.91 89.19 78.72 100 80.1 45.16 92.66
10 93.06 59.32 53.73 93.75 97.3 41.49 75.68 87.23 100 81.59 41.94 94.35
12 83.33 72.88 23.88 100 94.59 56.38 40.54 98.94 57.14 96.52 12.9 99.44
14 76.39 88.14 20.9 100 91.89 70.21 35.14 98.94 42.86 98.01 6.45 99.44
16 70.83 89.83 16.42 100 89.19 74.47 27.03 98.94 28.57 98.01 3.23 100
18 55.56 93.22 13.43 100 81.08 85.11 21.62 98.94 28.57 99 3.23 100
20 48.61 93.22 8.96 100 70.27 86.17 13.51 98.94 28.57 99.5 0 100

Abbreviations: MSA = multiple system atrophy; PD = Parkinson disease; OH = orthostatic hypotension; sOH = severe orthostatic hypotension; SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; Sn = sensitivity; Sp = specificity.

The bold indicates sensitivity and specificity corresponding to the optimum cutoffs.