Figure 5.
Many class 1 uORFs encode evolutionarily conserved N-terminal extensions. (A) Schematic of the test. BLASTP alignments to the Volvox proteome were carried out for each class 1 transcript using four different versions: the reference transcript; the reference N-terminally extended by the class 1 uORF; and the reference transcript N-terminally extended by scrambled versions of the class 1 uORF peptide. Sequence-dependent BLASTP score improvement (S1 > S2, S2 ≅ S3) was taken to argue for evolutionary conservation of class 1 CDS. (B) The differences between maximal BLASTP scores of the reference peptide and the N-terminally extended versions (class 1 uORF peptide, or the scrambled uORF peptide) for all class 1 transcripts are plotted as cumulative distributions. The divergence of the uORF peptide from the scrambled versions at a score of >4 and about 70%–75% of transcripts (divergence point marked with green arrow) indicates sequence-dependent score increase (that is, score increase specific to the uORF and not to scrambled versions) in 25%–30% of class 1 transcripts.