FIG 7.
The major pilin protein PilE of N. elongata subsp. glycolytica is not glycosylated. (Top) Coomassie-stained (left) and immunoblotted (right) SDS-PAGE gels of purified pili from wild-type (wt) (KS944), pglC (KS945), and pglH (KS1000) strains. The antibody used was the diNAcBac-reactive MAb npg1. The blot was overdeveloped so as to be able to see reactivity from impurities in the pilin preparation to ascertain sufficient development to see any trace of potential pilin glycosylation. (Bottom) Pairwise alignment of predicted protein sequences of mature PilE from N. gonorrhoeae strain MS11 (top sequence) and N. elongata subsp. glycolytica (bottom sequence). The N. elongata subsp. glycolytica PilE sequence covered by peptides detected by MS is shown in red overlay. The glycosylated residue (serine 63) found in N. gonorrhoeae strain MS11 is highlighted in green (35, 36).