FIG 1.
Killing of B. subtilis spores by treatment with different oxidizing agents. ◆, PS533 (WT); ■, PS578 (α− β−); ▲, PS3394 (CotE−). Symbols represent mean values (for PS533, n = 5 except for in panel D, where n = 3 for the 5- and 7-min time points; for PS578, n = 4 except for in panel D, where n = 2 for the 5-, 7-, 9-, and 10-min time points; and for PS3394, n = 4 except for in panels A and B, where n = 2, and panel D, where n = 2 for the 0.66-, 2.33-, and 2.5-min time points), and error bars represent the standard deviations of the means. Dashed lines represent data points which fell below the limit of detection at the time indicated. Solid horizontal lines represent the limit of detection. (A) Treatment with 0.05% PAA. (B) Data for strain PS3394 shown in panel A, but with a modified x axis. (C) Treatment with 1% H2O2. (D) Treatment with P/H (0.05% PAA in combination with 1% H2O2).