Figure 2. Tacrolimus maintenance added to IT induction prolongs graft survival.
(A) In addition to IT, animals were administered tacrolimus with twice daily intramuscular injection, with a trough level maintained between 8–12ng/mL. Graft survival was prolonged in these animals (MST 50, p=0.034). (B) Despite prolonged graft survival, 3 of 4 animals experienced acute cellular rejection by one month (top images are hematoxylin & eosin stained, 100x left, 200x right; bottom images are CD3, 100x magnification). (C) Phenotypic switching from naïve to memory T cells was delayed in IT + Tac treated animals. The left flow cytometric diagrams represent peripheral CD3+ populations. The greatest difference was observed in CD4+ central memory T populations (CD28+CD95+, p=0.034 at 7 days. Note: only 1 animal survived to day 13 in the IT-alone treated group).