Fig 2. Circular chlamydial genome with peptide data mapped to CDSs.
Circular representation of the C. trachomatis L2 chromosome and the mapping of peptides assigned from both EBs and RBs to their corresponding CDS. The outer scale shows the size in bp. The outer circle shows the positions of the CDS in a clockwise direction. The green and red circles indicate the CDSs of the peptides assigned in RBs and EBs, respectively. Using the published gene predictions for C. trachomatis strains UW-3 and Har-3, the strain L2 CDSs have been colour coded depending on whether the are: (blue) predicted and intact in all isolates; (pink) predicted and intact in L2 and UW-3; (green) predicted and intact in L2 and Har-13; (orange) defunct in L2, predicted and intact in Har-13 and UW-3; (red) unique to L2; (brown) defunct in all isolates. The region spanning the plasticity zone (PZ) is indicated.