FIG. 5.
Axial slices through the tibia and fibula. From left to right: Reconstructions without motion correction (NoCorr), the proposed method using GC, the proposed method using NGI and the MB reference method. The rows correspond to the three different weight-bearing scans from 0∘ flexion angle at the top to 60∘ flexion angle at the bottom (W: 2025 HU, C: 145 HU). (a) NoCorr-0°, (b) GC-0°, (c) NGI-0°, (d) MB-0°, (e) NoCorr-35°, (f) GC-35°, (g) NGI-35°, (h) MB-35°, (i) NoCorr-60°, (j) GC-60°, (k) NGI-60°, and (l) MB-60°.