Fig. 1.
a Parameter estimates and 95 % confidence intervals for males from best fit common pathway model 1 (Table 5). The model contains additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C) and individual-specific (E) paths to the latent common externalizing disorder factor (subscript “c”) as well as A, C and E paths specific to the three externalizing syndromes (subscript “s”). Paths are standardized partial regression coefficients. b Parameter estimates and 95 % confidence intervals for females from best fit common pathway model 1 (Table 5). The model contains additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C) and individual-specific (E) paths to the latent common Externalizing Disorder factor (subscript “c”) as well as A, C and E paths specific to the three externalizing syndromes (subscript “s”). Paths are standardized partial regression coefficients.