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. 2016 Feb 15;7(1):27–37. doi: 10.4291/wjgp.v7.i1.27

Table 2.

Proteomic studies for discovering diagnostic inflammatory bowel disease biomarkers

Ref. Bio-sample Sample size Proteomic technique Results
Meuwis et al[22] Serum CD: 30 SELDI-TOF 4 candidate proteins selected for high diagnostic value; PF4, MRP8, FIBA, Hpα 2. PF4 and Hpα 2 were also confirmed and correlated using ELISA and immunoblotting
UC: 30
Inflammatory control: 30
Healthy controls: 30
Kanmura et al[23] Blood CD: 22 SELDI-TOF Plasma concentrations of HNP1, 2 and 3 were significantly higher in active UC compared to inactive UC, CD and control patients
UC: 48
Colorectal Cancer: 5
Infectious colitis: 6
Healthy controls: 13
Hatsugai et al[24] Blood CD: 13 2-DE Multivariate analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells protein profile 58 protein) allowed for accurate discrimination between UC and CD
Healthy controls: 17
Nanni et al[25] Blood Healthy controls: 48 Liquid chromatography quadrupole-TOF Exopeptidase activity may distinguish CD from UC. Label free method developed could accurately distinguish synthetic spiked samples of serum
Sumramanian et al[26] Serum CD: 48 Protein signature of 12 mass: Charge peaks could classify CD with approximately equal 95% sensitivity/specificity
UC: 62 4 proteins identified as clinically useful
Nanni et al[27] Serum Healthy controls: 48 Solid-phase extraction MALDI-TOF 20 protein signals could be used to accurately classify IBD patients
CD: 15
UC: 26
Vaiopoulou et al[28] Serum CD: 24 (12 adults, 12 children) 2-DE Clusterin was found to be overexpressed in adult CD. Ceruloplasmin and apolipoprotein B-100 was over-expressed in children
Han et al[34] Intestinal biopsy CD: 3 Liquid chromatography quadrupole-TOF Increased in UC: TTBK2, SYNE2, SUCLG2, POSTN
UC: 4 Up-regulated in CD: ANXA2, EPX, LAP3, RDX
Inflammatory polyps: 2 Up-regulated in IBD: S100A8, MPO, DEFA1B
Up-regulated in CD (P < 0.05 AND > 2x increase): PRG2, LCP1, PSME1
Normal colon: 3
M’koma et al[35] Colon samples CD: 27 Histology directed MALDI-TOF 5 m:z peaks were identified and cross-validated for the differentiation of UC and CD
UC: 24
Seeley et al[36] Colon samples CD: 26 Histology directed MALDI-TOF Using a support vector machine and 25 m:z peaks, UC and CD cases were predicted in 93.3% and 60.4% respectively. A lower spectral accuracy cut-off increased sensitivity
UC: 36
Wasinger et al[39] Serum UC: 27 MRM SPP24 differentiated IBD patients from healthy controls
CD: 56 α-1-microglobulin distinguished patients with UC in remission from healthy controls
Controls: 14
RA controls: 12

CD: Crohn’s disease; UC: Ulcerative colitis; IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease; MRM: Multiple reaction monitoring; PF4: Platelet factor 4; MRP8: Myeloid related protein 8; FIBA: Fibrinopeptide A; Hpα2: Haptoglobin α2.