Figure 4.
Effects of holding potential and the repeated application of NMDA on the antagonistic effect of YY-23. (A) The effect of YY-23 (3 μmol/L) on the NMDA-induced current was tested at three different holding potentials, –30 mV, –60 mV and –90 mV. The inserted long and short horizontal lines represent the presence of YY-23 and NMDA. (B) The inhibitory effect of YY-23 (3 μmol/L) on NMDA receptors showed no difference among three tested membrane potentials. n=5. P>0.05. (C) The inhibitory effect of YY-23 (3 μmol/L) on the NMDA receptor did not exhibit use-dependency. Plots of I/I0 against a series of current response to NMDA were induced every 10 s in a representative neuron.