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. 2016 Feb 15;35:20. doi: 10.1186/s40880-016-0081-7

Table 2.

Univariate analysis of overall survival (OS) for potential prognostic factors of patients with non-metastatic locally recurrent NPC

Variable Entire cohort (69 patients) χ2 P valuea CCRT group (34 patients) RT group (35 patients) χ2 P valuea
n 5-year OS rate (%) n 5-year OS rate (%) n 5-year OS rate (%)
Sex 0.810 0.368
 Male 57 33.4 27 37.0 30 28.9 1.941 0.164
 Female 12 41.7 7 57.1 5 20.0 2.849 0.091
Age (years) 9.656 0.002
 ≤46 38 46.3 22 43.0 16 50.0 0.039 0.843
 >46 31 19.9 12 38.5 19 10.5 3.385 0.066
rT categoryb 10.342 0.001
 rT1–2 15 72.2 5 100 10 60.0 2.725 0.099
 rT3–4 54 24.2 29 33.0 25 13.2 6.789 0.009
rN categoryb 0.049 0.824
 rN0 59 33.2 30 40.1 29 25.2 3.614 0.057
 rN1–2 10 44.4 4 50.0 6 40.0 0.161 0.688
Clinical stageb 8.613 0.003
 I–II 16 67.7 6 83.3 10 60.0 1.042 0.307
 III–IV 53 24.7 28 34.3 25 13.2 7.574 0.006
Recurrence interval (months) 0.343 0.558
 ≤30 39 36.0 21 37.5 18 33.3 0.126 0.723
 >30 30 33.4 13 49.0 17 20.6 5.664 0.017
Tumor volume (cm3) 9.352 0.002
 ≤26 33 51.7 17 42.9 16 56.3 0.023 0.881
 >26 36 18.3 17 37.6 19 0.0 7.482 0.006

Abbreviations as in Table 1

aBy log-rank test

bRestage according to the 2002 6th edition TNM staging system of the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC)