Figure 12. Histology images in the rabbit ACL reconstruction model.
At 4 weeks, there was full of fibrous tissue with less new bone formation was found at the interface tissue in the PLA group (A). The interface tissue contains more chondrocytes and cartilage matrix in the MSCs group (C) than in the PLA/HA group (B); At 12 weeks, the spaces between the tendon graft and the bone tunnel were narrower in all three groups (D–F). Compared with the PLA group (D) and PLA/HA group (E), the tendon graft side was in intimate contact with the new bone and increased collagen fiber continuity between the new bone and the tendon in the MSCs group (F). (B: Bone; IF: Interface; T: Tendon graft; S: Screw-like scaffold; Von-Gieson stain, original magnification ×100).