Table I.
In vivo electrophysiological investigation
Parameter | WT n = 12 |
Cap2gt/+ n = 8 |
Cap2gt/gt n = 13 |
One-way ANOVA p-value |
Cycle length [ms] | 133.6 ±8.5 | 125.0 ±14.2 | 143.8 ±14.0+ | 0.007 |
Heart rate [bpm] | 450.8 ±27.9 | 485.6 ±56.8 | 421.0 ±40.6+ | 0.006 |
P [ms] | 15.6 ±2.6 | 14.0 ±1.6 | 17.2 ±3.3+ | 0.042 |
PQ [ms] | 38.6 ±6.5 | 39.6 ±2.1 | 46.3 ±4.1*+ | 0.001 |
QRS [ms] | 12.6 ±1.4 | 13.0 ±1.1 | 16.2 ±2.6*+ | < 0.001 |
QT [ms] | 45.0 ±3.8 | 44.5 ±0.7 | 57.8 ±6.1*+ | 0.004 |
QTc [ms] | 45.2 ±3.3 | 47.0 ±2.8 | 55.8 ±6.0* | 0.015 |
AH [ms] | 33.9 ±6.4 | 36.2 ±4.9 | 40.6 ±10.0 | NS |
HV [ms] | 6.5 ±3.1 | 6.5 ±2.6 | 9.7 ±2.1* | 0.023 |
WBP [ms] | 92.8 ±14.4 | 90.6 ±6.2 | 95.6 ±14.5 | NS |
2 : 1 block [ms] | 52.8 ±7.5 | 56.9 ±5.9 | 55.6 ±9.0 | NS |
SNRT [ms] | 217.0 ±83.5 | 205.3 ±29.3 | 224.2 ±137.5 | NS |
AVNRP [ms] | 49.4 ±17.6 | 53.1 ±4.6 | 56.9 ±16.7 | NS |
ARP [ms] | 29.4 ±9.0 | 35.0 ±6.0 | 32.9 ±8.6 | NS |
VRP [ms] | 33.9 ±12.7 | 33.1 ±12.2 | 48.8 ±20.0 | NS |
QTc – heart rate corrected QT time (Mitchell), AH – interval from atrial to His signal, HV – interval from His to ventricular signal, WBP – Wenckebach periodicity; 2 : 1 block: 2 : 1 AV nodal block, SNRT – sinus node recovery time, AVNRP – AV nodal refractory period, ARP – atrial refractory period, VRP – ventricular refractory period.
p < 0.05 compared to WT
p < 0.05 compared to Cap2gt/+.