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. 2016 Feb 16;7:169. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00169

Table 2.

Random-effects probit regressions on second-draw errors (1 = error) in Studies 1 and 2.

Variable Study 1 Study 2
(1) (2) (1) (2)
β(SE) p β(SE) p β(SE) p β(SE) p
ConflictR(1 = Yes) 2.33(0.09)*** < 0.001 2.43(0.10)*** < 0.001
ConflictI(1 = Yes) 0.19(0.17) 0.27 0.34(0.18)* 0.07 −0.34(0.22) 0.11 0.24(0.24) 0.32
PFC −0.01(0.07) 0.92 −0.01(0.07) 0.92 0.11(0.06)* 0.08 0.11(0.07) 0.10
TrialNr −0.31(0.12)*** 0.007 −0.31(0.12)*** 0.007 −0.30(0.13)** 0.02 −0.25(0.13)* 0.06
Cb −0.38(0.24) 0.12 −0.37(0.24) 0.13 0.16(0.20) 0.43 0.16(0.21) 0.44
ConflictI × PFC 0.11(0.04)*** 0.005 0.11(0.04)*** 0.005 0.13(0.04)*** 0.004 0.14(0.04)*** 0.002
Forced(1 = Yes) 0.20(0.11)* 0.06 0.54(0.12)*** < 0.001
ConflictI × Forced −0.29(0.14)** 0.035 −1.03(0.16)*** < 0.001
Constant −1.23(0.31)*** < 0.001 −1.34(0.31)*** < 0.001 −2.84(0.34)*** < 0.001 −3.27(0.37)*** < 0.001
Wald chi2 97.54*** < 0.001 100.56*** < 0.001 617.22*** < 0.001 606.42*** < 0.001
Log likelihood −954.66 −952.37 −780.66 −759.57
No. of Obs. 2700 2700 2640 2640

ConflictR is a dummy referring to conflict between Bayesian updating and reinforcement. ConflictI is a dummy referring to conflict between Bayesian updating and inertia. Cb is the counterbalance dummy.


*p < 0.10


p < 0.05


p < 0.001.