Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of Patients With CD at Diagnosis and Follow-up.
Characteristics at diagnosis | n=619 |
Male gender | 440 (71.1) |
Agea | |
Median age at diagnosis (yr) | 24 |
A1 | 95 (15.3) |
A2 | 444 (71.7) |
A3 | 80 (12.9) |
Disease location at diagnosisa | |
L1 | 114 (18.4) |
L2 | 144 (23.3) |
L3 | 358 (57.8) |
Isolated L4 | 3 (0.5) |
Disease behavior at diagnosisa | |
B1 | 424 (68.5) |
B2 | 89 (14.4) |
B3 | 106 (17.1) |
Perianal fistula | 132 (21.3) |
Previous anti-tuberculous medication | 45 (7.3) |
Values are presented as mean±SD or n (%).
aAge, disease location, and disease behavior in CD based on the Montreal classification.
A1, <17; A2, 17≤age≤40; A3, >40; L1, ileal; L2, colonic; L3, ileocolonic; L4, upper gastrointestinal; B1, non-stricturing, non-penetrating; B2, stricturing; B3, penetrating.
AZA, azathioprine; 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.