Figure 2. Mlp37 mediates chemotaxis responses to taurine and amino acids.
(a) Effects of taurine and serine on methylation of Mlp37. Wild-type (O395N1) cells expressing Mlp37-FLAG were incubated with no chemoattractant (−), 10 mM serine (Ser) or taurine (taurine) for 30 min at 30 °C. Mlp37-FLAG was detected by immunoblotting with anti-FLAG antibody. (b,c) Effects of the mlp37 deletion on chemotactic responses to taurine (b) and serine (c). O395N1 (Che+) cells carrying the vector pAH901 (O395N1/pAH901, closed circles), Vmlp37 (∆mlp37) cells carrying the vector (O395N1-37/pAH901, open triangles) or the Mlp37-FLAG-expressing plasmid pMlp37 (O395N1-37/pMlp37, closed triangles) were subjected to capillary assays with taurine or all the individual proteiogenic amino acids (summarised in Supplementary Table S1). Representative data of multiple experiments are shown.