Table 1. Physical parameters of Membrane A, before and after exposure to Aβ(1-42) structured-oligomers.
Physical parameters of Membrane A, before (left) and after exposure to Aβ1-42 structured-oligomers: the central block follows the assumption that membrane modification comes from Aβ recruitment; the right block follows the extreme assumption of massive water penetration, with loss of lipids.
Numbering of membrane regions refers to that of Fig. 2. Significative changes in structural parameters are marked in bold.
aT: layer thickness (±1 Å).
br: roughness between one layer and the adjacent previous one (±2 Å).
cρlip(z): average scattering length density of the lipid (non-water, non-peptide) components of the layer (±0.05*10−6 Å−2).
dW: percent water content of the layer (±5% in volume).