Figure 4. 11,12-EET enhances HSPC engraftment and homing in mammals.
a, Schematic of mouse WBM (whole-bone marrow) competitive transplantation. RT, room temperature. b–c, 4 hrs of 11,12-EET treatment promoted short-term WBM engraftment at 4 wpt (b) and long-term multilineage engraftment at 24 wpt (c). WBC, white blood cells; M, myeloid cells; B, B cells; T, T cells. 2 independent experiments combined, n=20 total. d, Schematic of WBM competitive homing assay. hpt, hours post transplant. e, 11,12-EET increased homing efficiency of Lin- cells and Lin-Kit+ HSPCs (n=5). f, PI3K activation is required for EET-enhanced mouse WBM engraftment (n=10). LY, 10 μM LY294002. Recipients characterized as engrafted or non-engrafted based on peripheral blood WBC chimerism, two-tailed Fisher’s Exact test (b,f); unpaired two-tailed t-test (c,e), mean with s.e.m..