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. 2016 Feb 16;16:155. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-2830-6

Table 2.

Sampling and sample size

Inquiry type Gender # participants (Rural woredas with ART) # participants (Rural woreda without ART) # participants (Urban woredas with ART) Total
FGDs with PLHIV M 5 0 12 17
(3 M & 3 F groups) F 7 0 12 19
FGDs with community M 7 0 6 13
(2 M & 3 F groups) F 7 6 6 19
IDIs with defaulters M 2 0 1 3
(stopped ART) F 1 0 3 4
IDIs with traditional M 1 1 1 3
healers F 1 1 3 5
KIIs with health M 2 3 5 10
administrators F 0 0 0 0
KIIs with care M 0 1 2 3
providers F 2 0 2 4
KIIs with community M 0 0 0 0
level workers F 4 1 4 9
KIIs with APLHIV M 1 0 1 2
heads F 0 0 0 0
Total M 18 5 28 51
F 22 8 30 60
Total 40 13 58 111

FGDs focus group discussions, IDIs individual in-depth interviews, KIIs key informant interviews, APLHIV association of people infected with HIV, ART antiretroviral therapy, M male, F female