Figure 1.
In vivo basal heart rate and heart rate responses to ISO or spontaneous activity were not altered in RyR2 mutant mice implanted with ECG and activity-sensing telemeters. A. Representative telemetry ECG traces (at baseline and after ISO injection) from S2814A, S2808A and littermate WT (S2808A (−)) mice, scale bar 200 ms. B. Summary of telemetry-recorded heart rates at baseline and in response to ISO stimulation in S2814A, S2808A and littermate control mice. The numerals indicate the number of mice in each experimental group here and in other figures. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, paired Student‘s t-test, Error bars indicate s.e.m. C. Activity related heart rate change in S2814A and WT (C57) control mice, n=3-6. D. Activity related heart rate changes (see Methods) in S2808A and S2808A (−) littermate control mice, n=4- 7. The error bars indicate s.e.m. in all figures.