Interaction of ALID2 with presynaptic protein. Source Data containing all search results, coverage maps, peptide lists and product ion data were uploaded to the PRIDE repository (European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridge, UK) with Proteome Xchange identifier #58725. The table file contains: the list of proteins identified (Column 1); the database accession numbers (Column 2); the spectral counts (SpC, Columns 3-7); Spectral Abundance Factor (SAF, Columns 8-12); subsequent Normalized Spectral Abundance Factor (NSAF, Columns 13-17). This was based on the equation: NSAF = (SpC/MW)/Σ(SpC/MW)N, where SpC = Spectral Counts, MW = Protein MW in kDa and N = Total Number of Proteins, NSAF contains NSAF values without alone.