Figure 6.
Vascular frequency maps illustrating incidence of vasculature in the medial wall (top row) and in the superior portion of the brain (bottom row), overlaid on the high-resolution ICBM template brain. The disappearance of the sagittal sinus at the topmost part of the brain is due to artifactual loss of coverage. Vessels and sinuses (blue labels): CM, region corresponding to the common course of the callosomarginal artery, when present; BA, basilar artery; CA, anterior cerebral artery; PC, pericallosal artery. SaS, sagittal sinus; StS, straight sinus; GCV, great cerebral vein. There is no consensus in the literature on point of transition between anterior cerebral and pericallosal artery. In green: POS, parieto-occipital sulcus; CF, calcarine fissure; PCS, precentral sulcus; CS, central sulcus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus.