RISP inhibits M. larici-populina spore germination in vitro. (A) M. larici-populina urediniospores were deposited on water-agar Petri dishes with (i) TE pH 8.0 buffer (i.e., control without protein) or (ii) His-RISP and pictures were taken after 5 h. Scale bar: 100 μM. (B) M. larici-populina urediniospores were deposited on water-agar Petri dishes with RISP, His-RISP, BSA, AtGrxC1, His-AtBolA2, TE pH 8.0 buffer (i.e., control without protein) or ddHOH. After 5 h, a minimum of 300 urediniospores were observed and considered to calculate a percentage of germination. RISP concentration is indicated in μM. BSA, AtGrxC1, and His-AtBolA2 were used at a concentration of 100 μM. Error bar: SE, n ≥ 3 (His-AtBolA2, n = 2). (C) As in B, with 100 μM RISP, 100 μM RISP boiled for 10 min (RISP 95°C) or 100 μM RISP DTT-reduced and boiled for 10 min (RISP-red 95°C). Error bar: SE of independent repeats, n ≥ 2.