Fig. 1.
Quantifying 5hmC in two regions of the human brain. a ΔβBS-oxBS was calculated for each sample and a detection threshold based on the lowest fifth percentile in the negative values (0.09158275) used to call ‘detectable’ 5hmC (black vertical line). b We identified 37,145 and 65,563 probes with a mean 5hmC level above threshold in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum, respectively. c The degree of hydroxymethylation at sites with ‘detectable’ 5hmC in prefrontal cortex (N = 37,145) is correlated with levels at the same sites in the cerebellum (adjusted R2 = 0.097, P <2.2E-16). The red horizontal line indicates our threshold for ‘detectable’ 5hmC. d The degree of hydroxymethylation at sites with ‘detectable’ 5hmC in cerebellum (N = 65,563) is correlated with levels at the same sites in the prefrontal cortex (adjusted R2 = 0.132, P <2.2E-16)