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. 2016 Feb 17;13:10. doi: 10.1186/s12981-016-0095-x

Table 2.

Baseline clinical and immunological status of HIV positive adults at initiation of HAART, University of Gondar Referral Hospital from January 2010 to December 2014 (n = 410)

Characteristics Frequency Percent
Initial regimen
 AZT-3TC-NVP 177 43.2
 TDF-3TC-EFV 147 35.9
 AZT-3TC-EFV 37 9
 TDF-3TC-NVP 28 6.8
 D4T(30)-3TC-NVP 16 3.9
 D4T(30)-3TC-EFV 3 0.7
 ABC-3TC-EFV 2 0.5
Number of ART pill/day
 One 128 31.2
 Two 201 49
 Three 40 9.8
 Four 41 10
CPT prophylaxis
 Yes 401 97.8
 No 9 2.2
Past OI before HARRT initiation
 No 295 72
 Yes 115 28
Functional status
 Working 361 88
 Ambulatory 29 7.1
 Bed ridden 20 4.9
WHO clinical stage
 I 105 25.6
 II 73 17.8
 III 172 42
 IV 60 14.6
CD4 count
 <100 cell/mm3 110 26.8
 100–199 cell/mm3 150 36.6
 200–349 cell/mm3 133 32.4
 ≥350 cell/mm3 17 4.1
Baseline Hgb
 <7 g/dl 8 2
 7–9.9 g/dl 37 9
 10–12.9 g/dl 173 42.2
 ≥13 g/dl 192 46.8
Base line weight
 <60 kg 318 77.6
 ≥60 kg 92 22.4